CODEAppointmentBookingandSchedulingAppAndroid 2024

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inspectedPieceX에서 검사한 제품



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코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Feb 28, 2024

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

My Clinic is a multi-tenant cloud solution designed for clinics. (Outpatient management software,
Practice management software)

The software enables healthcare providers to improve operational effectiveness, reduce time consumption and enhance delivery of quality of care.

It is the best solution for every specialty to maintain clinical records of patients and provide all necessary reports.

The software allow Clinics/Doctors to manage their patient s data, appointments, consultations, payments, clinic specific stock, expenses and so much more.

Why using such a software?

  1. Doctors will be able to organize all clinic s data and patient s information. It will allow them to focus on their patient s health rather on managing manually the appointments, check if they have sufficient stock and more.

  1. Doctors will have a full history about their patient so they can help them better (all consultation, payment history, appointment history, prescribed medications and others are available in the software)

  1. Clinic insight:
    • Doctors will have access to all clinic statistics such as:
      1. Total Number of patients.

      1. Total number of appointments and consultations.

      1. The number of appointments and consultations per month and per year.

      1. Number of visits statistics per day in a particular year. Doctor will be able to see visits rush days versus least days, so for example they can find the right time for a vacation.

      1. They will know what diseases are the most common to patients and what are the most commonly prescribed medical treatments.

    • Income:
      1. View your total income per month and year.

      1. View your income versus your expenses per month and year.

      1. Check if you are earning money.

    • Expenses:
      1. Find the most expensive category.

      1. Compare your current expenses with your income.

      1. Compare the monthly and yearly expenses versus the clinic income.

  1. A clinic can have one or many doctors. Each doctor s data is private. It can have one secretary for many doctors, the doctor can specify the security privileges for her. A doctor can be member of different clinics.

  1. The system is available in English, French and Arabic."

    The source code product description is a key component in effectively marketing and selling your product. It should highlight the value proposition of your source code product, ensuring potential buyers understand the benefits it offers.

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Software Version AngularJS, PHP 7.x, Laravel, iOS 12, Android 9.0

New Update

Updated to latest version of ionic

Auto dark mode fixed

Minor other bug fixed

Patient Management:
Centralized patient database with detailed clinical records.
Comprehensive patient profiles, including medical history and prescribed medications.

Appointment and Consultation Management:
Efficient scheduling of appointments and consultations.
Automated appointment reminders for patients.
Overview of past and upcoming appointments.

Financial Management:
Income tracking with a breakdown of earnings per month and year.
Expense tracking, categorized to identify the most significant costs.
Profitability analysis by comparing income versus expenses.

Clinic Statistics and Insights:
Total number of patients and appointments.
Monthly and yearly breakdown of appointments and consultations.
Analysis of visit patterns to optimize clinic operations.
Identification of common diseases and prescribed treatments.

Multi-Doctor Support:
Secure and private data for each doctor.
One secretary managing appointments and tasks for multiple doctors.
Customizable security privileges for secretaries.

Multi-Clinic Support:
Doctors can be members of different clinics.
Comprehensive insights and statistics for each clinic.
Secure access to data with customizable permissions.

Language Support:
Available in English, French, and Arabic for global accessibility.

Stock and Inventory Management:
Tracking and managing clinic-specific stock levels.
Automated alerts for low stock to ensure sufficient supplies.

Expense and Income Comparison:
Comparison of monthly and yearly expenses versus clinic income.
Visual representation of financial health through income versus expenses charts.

User-Friendly Interface:
Intuitive dashboard for quick access to critical information.
Easy navigation for doctors and secretaries.

Security and Privacy:

가격 정보

가격 통계

최고 가격
평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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